…K:http://www.facebook.com/HalkidikiFitnessBootCamp TWITTER: http://twitter.com/CzechMachoDoll FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/MachoDoll Tags: howto video,hot bikini workout, hot blonde girl, six pack abs workout, hard rock abs, tight abs workout, sexy abs workout, how to get strong abs, how to get ripped abs and six pack, amazing abs workout, flat abs workout, fitness girl, hot blonde girl workout, beach body, flat abs workout, fitness, six…
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ http://halkidikifitnessbootcamp.blogspot.com/2011/03/what-do-you-eat-are-you-on-special-diet.html SEXY ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN!…
…://on.fb.me/FreddyBRTV Google+: http://bit.ly/BRTVGplus Links to all of the equipment that helps us get the most fat burn and tone in our workouts: Interval Timer: http://bit.ly/GYMBOSSTIMER SandBag: http://bit.ly/ULTSANDBAG Abs & Dip Station: http://bit.ly/BPDIPBAR Weighted Soft Fitness Ball :http://bit.ly/UGIBALL Protein & Fat Loss Supplements: http://bit.ly/VITASOURCE Balance Ball, Skipping Rope, Exercise Mats & Pull Up Bars:…
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ Want a Lean Stomach? How about sexy Six-Pack Abdominal muscles? A Strong Core? A Firm Midsection? A toned Tummy? Flat Abs? Then give this girls home bikini abs workout a Try!. Exercises: Rotating Planks, Single Leg Raises, Triceps press planks, Toe Touch Sit-ups, and Hip Raises. Try to do 50 reps of each exercise. Do this 4-6x per week!….
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ In this video shes doing a few exercises at home to workout her butt, legs, and abs. She wants to add more muscle to her butt, to make it bigger and more round, and also her legs. She also needs to get her abs stronger so she’s doing several sets of crunches. She’s doing 4 sets of each exercises for about 12-15 reps. Music by Kevin Macleod….
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ Fitness Model Vicky Justiz is doing an intense ab working by doing 100 reps of the most intense stomach exercises. Give this workout a try! For the #1 Butt Workout Plan visit http://www.30DayButtTransformation.com…
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ FACEBOOK:http://www.facebook.com/HalkidikiFitnessBootCamp SEXY FITNESS BLOG: http://halkidikifitnessbootcamp.blogspot.com/ TWITTER: http://twitter.com/CzechMachoDoll FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/MachoDoll…
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ She’s training hard at the beach to develop toned sexy abs. 3 sets of 15-20 reps of these exercises will help….
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ In this video shes doing an exercise for her abs and a couple for her butt and legs. The abs exercise will help keep her stomach hard and firm while the lower body exercises will help build and lift her butt and legs. Music by Kevin Macleod….
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ Heres a few exercises for your abs you can do at the beach, home, or the gym to look sexy in your bikini….