…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ Here’s two simple and very effective abs exercises you can do anywhere; at the beach, home, or the gym. These two ab exercises will workout all your abdominal muscles. Do 3sets of each ab exercise for as many reps as you can do. Do it 3-6x per week. Model Jaquelyn Xavier. Also see BikiniModelFitness . com…
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ These two Hot Miami Bikini models are taking you through an ab workout to get sexy lean and string abs. These exercises with help get your abs and core tight and tone. Sit-ups Rotating Planks Leg Raises Side Planks Give each exercise a try and see how many you can do….
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ http://www.30DayButtTransformation.com Bikini Model Vicky Justiz shows you some great lower body exercises to get a great booty and sexy legs. This workout takes about 10min and can be done from home. For the #1 Butt Workout Plan visit http://www.30DayButtTransformation.com…
Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ Want a big round sexy Butt!?! Nice Athletic Thighs? A Sexy Bikini Bottom? Lift your Butt? Get a Bubble butt? This home booty building workout will help you do that. Exercises: Jumping Squats, Jumping Jack Squats, Hopping Lunges. Do 3 sets of each of those exercises. Then put on some ankle weights and do leg lifts. Do this workout 3x per week. Heres a great butt and thigh workout you can do in the gym:…
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ Heres a great butt workout to build a big sexy round booty. 1st Exercise: Side Step Back Lunges, do as many as you can. 2nd Exercise: 5 reps of Close, Medium, and Wide Barbell squats. Use a challenging weight. 3rd Exercise: Curtsy Lunges. Do as many as you can. Repeat this workout 2-4x 3x per week to see results. Bikini Model Amanda Caceres www.facebook.com/AmandaSCaceres Also see BikiniModelFitnes .com…