…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ Sexy Fitness Model Tanya is doing three exercises at the beach to keep her legs and butt in bikini shape. Try them for 3sets of 10-15 reps each. Model Tanya Pankov….
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ Bikini Model’s Butt and Abs Exercises at the beach with model Jade Bryce. The first exercise is Squats with weights at her side. This is a good one to workout the butt and legs. Next she is doing crunches with her legs up. A good way to workout the abs. Incoming search terms: pantyhose toni*garrn…
…ep Lunges Curtsy Lunges Focus on good form and do as many reps as you can for the first few times you do this workout. Then once you have the form down add weight and do 10-12 reps per exercise per leg. Do 3 sets of each one. 2x per week. Bikini Model Amanda Caceres www.facebook.com/AmandaSCaceres Also see BikiniModelFitnes .com Incoming search terms: anja rubik Facebook toni*garrn twitter skinny a…
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ Aniko Puhova Fitness Model, muscle girl, legs flexing. Fitness Model Videos and Galleries: www.fitnessexposure.com, Zoltan Vegh Photography…
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ Fitness Model Agota Domokos photoshooting video, biceps flexing, natural muscle girl. Fitness Model Videos and Galleries: www.fitnessexposure.com, Zoltan Vegh Photography…
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ Sexy Female Fitness Model is showing you an awesome Full Body Bikini Workout that you can do at home, the gym, the beach, or anywhere. You don’t need any equipment. Exercises: Jumping Squats Rotating Planks Burpees Triceps Push-up Planks Jumping Jack Squats Fitness Model Kaycie Davis See more BikiniModelFitness .com…
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ Female Fitness Model Coryn Salazar is showing a workout to get you a sexy butt. Workout: Leg Raise 15 reps each legs Step Ups 15 each leg Side Step Lunges 15 each Leg Leg Raises 15 reps Each Leg Add weight as needed. Rest 1 minute Between each exercise. Do each exercise 3-5x. 3-4x per week. Let us know how you like the Workout and Subscribe. More Butt Workouts at BikiniModelFitness .com. Model Coryn Salazar….
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ Fitness Model Reka Rajnai Photoshooting by Zoltan Vegh Photography…
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ Want sexy strong abs? A Hot Athletic body? Toned arms? Then give this workout a try. Female Fitness Model Ali Sonoma is showing you how to get a sexy stomach, arms, and upper body with a few plank exercises. Give this workout a try 3-6x per week. Also see BikiniModelFitness .com…
…Share on Facebook. Share on Google+ Muscle girl biceps flexing video Melinda Zsiga Fitness Model Photoshooting by Zoltan Vegh,…