Rock Your Body

Lateral Raises.

If you are working out at home (or at the gym for that matter) and you are not strength / resistance training, I’m willing to bet that your body is not changing as much or as fast as you want it to. The most effective way to burn off excess body fat is by strength training. And that means lifting something, or resisting against something like a band. Steady, state cardio is not going to deliver the groceries. It’s why we program our home workouts against what the fittest people at the gym are doing. It’s why you will always see our Coaches build strength training moves into all of our classes. It’s what makes home workouts so damn effective at rapid fast loss and complete body transformations.

Join us for today‘s 16 minute Upper Body + Core home workout class with Coach Tori, and in 16 minutes we will give you a better workout than anything you can get in your local Mega Gym. Meet us in the living room and let’s actually do something together for your fitness.

Link to today’s class here:

At we are taking the home workout to the next level with daily classes that deliver rapid fat loss and athletic conditioning. Come and train with us in 30 minutes per day, in the living room where you can establish the importance of fitness in your household, and be the real life example that you want to set for your family. We ask for effort, not perfection. Let’s get you into the best shape of your life one session at a time.


DailyHiit   Fitness   Video
3 November 2022 at 23:58
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