Rock Your Body

Tone & Torch Bootcamp 3.0: Class 20 – Resistance Training -FREE!

It’s Friday Class #20 and the last class for 3.0 !! It’s a full-body back-to-basics resistance training class you don’t want to miss. Timing: 40 work on, 20 secs of rest, 8 challenging exercises, 3 Rounds.

You’ll be done in less than 30 minutes. Let’s do this! Press Play!

Become a subscriber to access today’s Finisher Workout! Timing, 35 seconds on, 15 secs of rest, 6 challenging exercises, 3 rounds, and you’re done!

The Finishers are designed for a ‘final push’! During a finisher, you work at a near-maximum intensity for progressive results! If you are looking to torch extra calories and shed off pesky fat, then sign up!

To keep your body busting through plateaus and continuing to get leaner and stronger, Jessie and Tammy are getting even more creative with their next-level program design, switching up interval times, doing new body-sculpting moves, and bringing in guest trainers and keep you motivated.

Each workout is only 20-25 minutes with 12-15 minute finishers, so the classes are easy to fit into your schedule. No excuses!

The first 5 classes were offered FREE on Youtube if you missed the rest you can still sign-up to get the remainder sent FREE to your inbox now!
sign up Now!


DailyHiit   Fitness   Video
16 April 2021 at 15:30
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