My Booty Workout! Get a Sexy Round Butt!
Want a bubble butt? A round booty? Want to lift your butt? Build you butt? Try this butt workout. For my Booty workout I like to start off by doing 3 sets of 12-15 reps of Barbell Squats.
Be sure to sit your butt back.
Press with your heels.
Go down as far as you can.
Don’t let your knees go forward past your toes.
Keep your back straight.
Rest 1-2 minutes between each set.
I like to do a wide stance with my toes pointed out. Always make sure your knees are pointed in the same direction as your toes.
Next I like to do stepping back lunges. I do 3 sets of 12-15reps per leg.
When doing these be sure to sit your butt back and down and feel the muscles work.
Press with your front heel.
Don’t put too much weight on your back leg.
Don’t let your front knee go forward past your toe.
This is a really good one for working out the butt and legs.
Next I do squats with a weight between my legs (PowerBlock. I do 3 sets of 12-15 reps resting 1-2 minutes between each set.
Keep your back straight.
Press through your heels.
sit your butt back and down.
Then I like to finish my workout by doing as many side step lunges as I can.
Make sure your toes are pointed straight ahead or just slightly out to the side.
Press through your heels.
Don’t let your knees go forward past your toes.
So that’s my booty workout. Be sure to give it a try. And if you liked it please hit LIKE!. If you haven’t done some already subscribe. I’ll see you next time.
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