Juicy Booty In 4 Moves
Become a BodyRocker and Get in the best shape of your life at home for free. Don’t miss a workout!
Visit us here for all of our updates! (http://bit.ly/WebBRTV).
Official BodyRock.Tv T-Shirts are available here: http://bit.ly/BRTVSHIRTS
Links to all of the equipment that helps us get the most fat burn and tone in our workouts:
Interval Timer: http://bit.ly/GYMBOSSTIMER
SandBag: http://bit.ly/ULTSANDBAG
Abs & Dip Station: http://bit.ly/BPDIPBAR
Weighted Soft Fitness Ball: http://bit.ly/UGIBALL
BodyRocker Equalizer: http://bit.ly/LEBEQUALIZER
Awesome Lean Protein & Fat Loss Supplements:
Balance Ball, Skipping Rope, Exercise Mats & Pull Up Bars: